Jan C. Bouch, Psy.D. is owner and principal of the Justice Coaching Center, a woman owned business and consulting firm facilitating the journey of individuals and organizations as they recognize and act on current and future potential.

Jan C. Bouch, Psy.D. is owner and principal of the Justice Coaching Center, a woman owned business and consulting firm facilitating the journey of individuals and organizations as they recognize and act on current and future potential.
Hon. David Suntag is a trained mediator and Certified Justice System Coach. He has been a State of Vermont trial court judge since 1990, taking active/retired status in 2015 after more than 25 years on the bench. Judge Suntag brings both breadth and depth to his understanding of the issues justice system professionals face. He has presided over criminal, family, and civil docket courts as well as multi-jurisdictional rural courts.
Stephen Bouch is a former Chief Court Executive Officer and national and international consultant to justice systems and both for-profit and not-for-profit business organizations. He has served at almost every executive level position within the state judiciary over his 42-year career.
April H. Armstrong, has helped dozens of technical organizations succeed with high-stakes projects and initiatives valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. She rose through the ranks in a large entrepreneurial consulting company, by attuning to market needs and delivering value.
We believe that individuals can examine their thoughts and actions; we have confidence that individuals are capable of change; we believe that we all want to be the best we can be, regardless of the challenges. We trust in the human spirit and our inherent goodness. We are the Justice Coaching Center.
Justice Coaching Center
7588 Froman Ave.
Boise, ID 83714
(802) 258-8182 | Jan C. Bouch
(802) 258-8181 | Stephen Bouch
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